Bedding, what do you think?
Just got introduced to Akemi last year (by my brother!) and I've been doing some bedding for a few weeks now due to the on-going sale around Sunshine Sq & Jusco QM.
Bedding.....few words that would come into your mind would be Akemi, Aussino, Elle, Windsr.....and many more... but there would be one significant word (and not any brand name) that comes into my mind, NOT CHEAP!!!
hahaa.... everyone wants to be comfortable when they are on their beauty sleep :)...and ppl also hope that the material is long lasting....however, ppl tends to like...em... more lenient when it comes to the price. Oh yes, ppl would wait for sale... but even on sale, bedding would still be >>> NOT CHEAP!
For example, quilt cover + bedsheet set is on 70% sale. But, the it is 70% on RM563 (taking cheapest king size set as example). You still need to pay RM168.90. Worth buying? If compared to paying RM563, need I say more? Of course worth it rite??!! Then another question popped up, will 1 set be enough? hahhaa...
Bedding, never cheap...and at the same time (the pain point).... never enough!!!!
Really hope what I get is worth the money. I mean, tahan lama la...heeheh..
yap one is never enough. i also spend RM400 on bed shit nia yesterday. if it was not 70% from jusco it will cost me over 1.2K+.
it is worth buying 'cos akime one can last for years! like mine i already used it more then 5 years and the color and everything still looks new.
but something i duno is why do ppl wan to go 468 benang one and some one wan to for 250 one only. hmm..
hehe...good to hear akemi is long lasting ;)
the benang more is better, more lembut and wont easily koyak..this is what i notice la..not sure it has other meaning
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