Xmas eve in SG and Xmas nite @ GSM
I went back to Mlk again after one day work in Pg for WW50. Exhausted with the bus thingi but those were just minor stuff... what made me happy was the wedding night...and this is for the wedding of my so called 'god-bro' on 16th Dec, got a Taiwanese wife who grew up in Australia...while my god-bro owns a law firm there after completing his law for few yrs of studies..ekkekeke.... I took 2 days leave and reached Mlk on 14th.
..Day 1..After had breakfast with my parent, we headed to Cheng, where my 'kampung' is. Everybody started to help out at the kitchen on the raw stuff for the food preparation for the pre-day and also the wedding day. Coincidently, my cousin sis (Liang) from KL is around during this school holidays and requested me to bring them shopping! As there were so many 'kitchen helpers', I left my god-father's place and headed to Jusco. There were 3 adults and 4 kids in my dad's Gen2..hehhe...not bad huh...Liang jie was so happy coz all she does in KL was to clean the house and rarely go out shopping. Well, as a full time homemaker, staying with in laws with no husband around... she finds it really enjoying to shop back in Mlk where ppl waits for her and there's no need to rush. I felt good to make her happy. This is the first time we met in 2007, coz I was already back to Pg when she came visit during cny. Shopping ended about 3 hrs and it was quite a good one as Liang jie got herself a handbag, sandal and a blouse; not to forget, a pant for her 10 yrs old son - Siang Siang. Then I got a call from Larry (god-father) and this time to fetch Melvin & Jennifer to the bridal house. Liang accompanied me. I walked into the lobby of City Bayview and saw Mel & Jen sitting there. Mel cant recognize me (after din meet for several years) so I had to intro myself again :). We headed to the bridal house to confirm the hairdo and make ups. Jen has her own evening dress so nothing else needed from the bridal house. To my surprise, Mel has put on weight....look muscular though..must have been working out at the gym...and his charming eyes still there :). I do envy Jen's fair, smooth and flawless skin. Maybe this is the 'trademark' of Taiwanese, nice skin. Conversation, Mel has developed the accent..nice one and like to hear him speak. Same goes with Jen, Aussie + Taiwan slang. Somehow I ended up speaking my broken Mandarin with Jen..hehhe....Then, I sent them back to the hotel and wait for Lau, bestest fren of my god-father's as he lend his car to Mel to drive around town. After everything is settled, we headed back to Cheng...and this is already 7 in the evening.... there goes my day 1, a driver :D...
Day 2..The big day. However, this is a simpler than I thought. It is because Mel & Jen already had their church wedding ceremony in Australia about a month back. So the day was just food for relatives that came & tea ceremony. As god-sis, I get to cham cha for Mel & Jen. So damn embarassing ... hehhe.... have to call "kor" and "ah sou" in front of so many ppl..*blush blush*. Jen then mentioned that she likes to see us wearing kebaya...my mom brought extra and she tried it on...with no time wasted, she said she would like to have one and there I go fetching her to Mahkota Parade. Within 30 mins, Jen got herself a nice sexy red kebaya, with a matching sequined kain. That was a cool and fastest shopping I ever had for a kebaya....well, she's happy with it. Kebaya shopping is done and we headed back to Cheng.
It's 3.30pm and we had to be at the hotel at 5.30pm. I have 2 hrs to prep up. I quickly go and get a simple hairdo which only cost me rm6! hehe..cheap huh... 4.15pm, bath + kebaya + make up and I'm ready at 5pm! Tired of driving, I let my dad drove us (dad, mom + me) to the hotel. We got there much earlier as we need to be there for the cocktail arrangement with pineapple tarts. Also, liquor for the wedding were in my dad's car. My bro arrived at 6.15pm and brought 2 back pack with him - laptop for the presentation and camera for the photo shooting. Didn't know that he has 2 canon with him. I kay-pohly approached him to see if he has extra ones for me to play around. ngiak ngiak ngiak.... he handed me a 30D (company camera) with his bazooka 200mm lens! He said just snap snap as he already set it. Great! coz I do not know how the settings work and I can just snap here n there :p... so I officially bcome the 2ndary camera gal ;).
It was so cool to hold that camera and snap here and there...I can just stand at the stage and take pictures of the bride and groom right at the entrance. My bro was really supportive.... he said don't care about anything, just shoot whatever you want. It is DSLR and you can always delete & edit it later on. Apa lagi.... I just shoot la...hehhehe....but by the time the bride & groom sits down, my hands and feet already sore. I was on my 2.5 inch heeled shoes and the lens was heavy! After that, I was lazy to walk around anymore. I just go around once in a while. Then, there were joget songs! Afraid that I'm gonna be pulled to the dance floor, I took the camera and k c k c take pics... hahah... good way to escape as I do not know how to joget! :p
The dinner went well. Quite a number of people wore kebaya. Food was nice and there's no feeling for supper after that as the portion was sufficient. I then stood outside to take pics at the reception as guests are leaving. Dinner ended about 10.30 and it was about 11.00 that everything cleared up. But that's not it. I then went into the other room where my parent and my god-father counting ang pau to pay for the bill. Ang pau was sufficient enough to cover the bill and there were extra a couple of k. So nothing to be worried about. While waiting, my bro load the pics from 30D to his laptop.... I was superbly happy when he said 'boleh tahan jugak your pics'... hehhee.... not bad not bad... :D...need more practise ;)
12 midnite, bill settled. We all headed home and reached home about 45 mins later. With my hair still keras, I straight went to bed and it was already 1.30am. I know it's not proper, but I have no energy to really care anymore. One word - Tired.
Tired, but that was a great weekend. It's been a while since I helped out and attend a very close relative's wedding. I was really glad to see the peranakan still wears kebaya to attend dinners. There were quite a few asked me where to get the kebayas ;). I was like the kebaya promoter pulak. ekkeke... hope that more ppl will wear kebaya yang tak lapuk ditelan zaman :D.
p/s: Will ask pics from my bro once he has finished with the processing of +-1000 pics. :)