Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wah, almost half a year!

Hmmm... pejam celik pejam celik...5 months lepas sudah since my last post... what else can be the reason, as usual >> lazy lar :p
Bagi mereka yang berkahwin, selamat pengantin baru and congratz congratz. Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu... for those getting cahaya mata yang pertama, kedua, ketiga....tak kisah la yang ke berapa pun..congratz congratz also :D I'll join u all nanti.
Oh, this time nak intro power ball. Aik aik, don't serong the fikiran.... it's really power ball la. Tak percaya ar, here you go >> Whoever berminat, can contact me also. Not I owned one, just helping to spread the words around :)