Since last Thursday, I was in 'family' mode as my parent & brothers were all here in PG. Had ~2 days to bring them around and also eat..but what we basically do is, go to a to hotel sleep...come out to a again...ehehe...well, my family no longer consist of ppl below 30 (except me la ..kekkeke), so got to consider the tireness on planning the itinery. I'm glad that they had great time being around, especially eating nice food of Penang of course! Then, comes the woke me up at 5.30am coz she cant sleep! My eyes were so heavy that morning...dah lah cannot sleep properly with my hairdo (did it on Sat afternoon)...then mom pulak so early shake ppl to get pulak over nervous...even went to the loo to poo bros also laughed at her..:D
Comes the place....Buddhist Association in Mak Mandin. Nervous? not so obvious on me I think as I was trying to look good on the camera :p...and with many frens & family around...I think I did not really feel the tense...just a little during the 'signing contract' part...and...there it goes...change my status to M, and yes....I'm now part of the Leong's. Life commitment...hope god will bless our commitment with joy & happiness that last long enough :)